Little Hope is the second instalment in the Dark Pictures Anthology. Set in a small abandoned town in rural Massachusetts, a group of college students and their professor find themselves trapped. While being pursued by grotesque beings from the towns dark history and coming face to face with their doppelgangers, the gang must unravel the mysteries of Little Hope and find a way out.
I was part of the core team involved with bringing Little Hope from pre-production to final release. Using the studio modified version of Unreal Engine 4 and their proprietary visual scripting language, I delivered levels from storyboard to final, while also producing the games core narrative and gameplay beats.
Roles And Responsiblities
Creation of levels and gameplay using the in-house storyboard tool to pre-vis the game from start to finish.
Developing levels from blockout to final release and iterating upon them alongside the environment artists based on director feedback and needs of the story using a modified version of Unreal Engine 4.
Blocking out and building upon gameplay mechanics such as interactions, exploration cameras, event triggers etc.
Scripting cinematic sequences and integrating third-party animation data to create the games sequences.
Balancing and adjusting the pacing of sequences based on playtesting and director feedback.
Creating the moment-to-moment game flow and logic for the games branching narrative using the studios in house scripting tool.
Part of a small strike team that determined and evolved the games signature Bearings System, auditing the major choices in the game and how they affect the player.
Helped determine the games golden path for both Single Player and Alternate Single Player, as well as balance which characters were playable in Multiplayer.
Onboarded new members of the Design team.
Assisted the outsource team with Design and Implementation.
Iterating upon gameplay mechanics such as interactions, exploration cameras, event triggers etc.
Integrating and editing third-party animation data to create the games sequences.
Balancing and adjusting the pacing of sequences based on playtesting and director feedback.
Building and iterating upon the collision and navmesh throughout the game.
Aided the core team in bug fixing and additional design work using the studios proprietary tool set.
Little Hope is the second instalment in the Dark Pictures Anthology. Set in a small abandoned town in rural Massachusetts, a group of college students and their professor find themselves trapped. While being pursued by grotesque beings from the towns dark history and coming face to face with their doppelgangers, the gang must unravel the mysteries of Little Hope and find a way out.
I was part of the core team involved with bringing Little Hope from pre-production to final release. Using the studio modified version of Unreal Engine 4 and their proprietary visual scripting language, I delivered levels from storyboard to final, while also producing the games core narrative and gameplay beats.
Roles And Responsiblities
Creation of levels and gameplay using the in-house storyboard tool to pre-vis the game from start to finish.
Developing levels from blockout to final release and iterating upon them alongside the environment artists based on director feedback and needs of the story using a modified version of Unreal Engine 4.
Blocking out and building upon gameplay mechanics such as interactions, exploration cameras, event triggers etc.
Scripting cinematic sequences and integrating third-party animation data to create the games sequences.
Balancing and adjusting the pacing of sequences based on playtesting and director feedback.
Creating the moment-to-moment game flow and logic for the games branching narrative using the studios in house scripting tool.
Part of a small strike team that determined and evolved the games signature Bearings System, auditing the major choices in the game and how they affect the player.
Helped determine the games golden path for both Single Player and Alternate Single Player, as well as balance which characters were playable in Multiplayer.
Onboarded new members of the Design team.
Assisted the outsource team with Design and Implementation.
Iterating upon gameplay mechanics such as interactions, exploration cameras, event triggers etc.
Integrating and editing third-party animation data to create the games sequences.
Balancing and adjusting the pacing of sequences based on playtesting and director feedback.
Building and iterating upon the collision and navmesh throughout the game.
Aided the core team in bug fixing and additional design work using the studios proprietary tool set.
Little Hope is the second instalment in the Dark Pictures Anthology. Set in a small abandoned town in rural Massachusetts, a group of college students and their professor find themselves trapped. While being pursued by grotesque beings from the towns dark history and coming face to face with their doppelgangers, the gang must unravel the mysteries of Little Hope and find a way out.
I was part of the core team involved with bringing Little Hope from pre-production to final release. Using the studio modified version of Unreal Engine 4 and their proprietary visual scripting language, I delivered levels from storyboard to final, while also producing the games core narrative and gameplay beats.
Roles And Responsiblities
Creation of levels and gameplay using the in-house storyboard tool to pre-vis the game from start to finish.
Developing levels from blockout to final release and iterating upon them alongside the environment artists based on director feedback and needs of the story using a modified version of Unreal Engine 4.
Blocking out and building upon gameplay mechanics such as interactions, exploration cameras, event triggers etc.
Scripting cinematic sequences and integrating third-party animation data to create the games sequences.
Balancing and adjusting the pacing of sequences based on playtesting and director feedback.
Creating the moment-to-moment game flow and logic for the games branching narrative using the studios in house scripting tool.
Part of a small strike team that determined and evolved the games signature Bearings System, auditing the major choices in the game and how they affect the player.
Helped determine the games golden path for both Single Player and Alternate Single Player, as well as balance which characters were playable in Multiplayer.
Onboarded new members of the Design team.
Assisted the outsource team with Design and Implementation.
Iterating upon gameplay mechanics such as interactions, exploration cameras, event triggers etc.
Integrating and editing third-party animation data to create the games sequences.
Balancing and adjusting the pacing of sequences based on playtesting and director feedback.
Building and iterating upon the collision and navmesh throughout the game.
Aided the core team in bug fixing and additional design work using the studios proprietary tool set.
Narrative Games
Level Design
Level Design
Writing and Narrative
Writing and Narrative
Logline - Two detectives Ethan Cross and Mason Black hunt a serial killer known as “The Black Lotus” while Ethan suffers a dark past which feels somewhat linked to the killer.
Black Lotus is a narrative project that I entered into the Wales Interactive Writers Workshop which was hosted by Richard Pring, Executive Producer/Co-Founder, Wales Interactive, and Samuel Leigh, Game Producer, Wales Interactive.
More details can be read here -
I entered the project application and put forth a script treatment and pitch deck which I was selected in the final few out of 300+ applications.
Logline - Two detectives Ethan Cross and Mason Black hunt a serial killer known as “The Black Lotus” while Ethan suffers a dark past which feels somewhat linked to the killer.
The Interactive Writers Workshop explored
Overview of the principles of interactive narrative.
Explore the benefits of combining film, games and other mediums.
Learn the dos and don’ts of branching narratives
Upgrade and refine your writing skill-set.
Be the first to explore Wales Interactive's innovative narrative tool.
Ongoing support for the duration of the process.
Script Treatment -
Pitch Deck -
To create our branching interactive stories we used Miro to write, plan, and structure choices and flow.
Link to Miro Board -
We used Wales Interactives In-house narrative tool called "WIST" which was used to created "The Bunker", "Late Shift", "Ten Dates" etc..